Bob Blincoe Joins the RWI Board of Reference

By Brian Lowther

One of the Roberta Winter Institute's most strategic goals is to establish a board of reference of respected individuals in the Christian community who knew Ralph Winter and his heart for the unreached peoples of the world as well as those who have an understanding of his last major initiative, that of founding the RWI.

Recently we met with Bob Blincoe, U.S. Director of Frontiers, and I'm very happy to announce that he agreed to join our Board of Reference.

Prior to leading Frontiers, Bob led his family and a Frontiers' team to the Middle East following the Gulf War (1991). Before that, he and his wife taught English in Thailand. Bob earned a PhD in History of International Development from William Carey International University. He also earned Master of Divinity and Master of Theology degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary. Bob is an ordained Presbyterian Minister. He is the author of Ethnic Realities and the Church: Lessons from Kurdistan. He also publishes a blog.

I'm personally quite excited about this development because God has used Bob to influence many people to go to the hard, unreached places.  Besides that, I just like the guy. In the brief interactions I've had with him, he seems wise, kind-hearted and humorous.

Plus it is clear that Bob loved Winter. He gave a heartfelt address at Winter's memorial service in May 2009. In his address Bob admired Winter's prowess as a student of the Bible and a teacher of Christian history. But he was most affected by Winter's problem solving nature. He told a story of attending a lecture once where Winter began by explaining that he had some remarks prepared, but said, "If any of you have a burning question, I would like to hear it. I may not be able to help, but I do like to try and solve problems." Apparently Bob wrote this down on a card that he carries with him.

Rejoice with me over Bob's willingness to lend the credibility of his good name to our cause.

Posted on April 27, 2012 and filed under First 30.