What's Happening with the Roberta Winter Institute?

By Brian Lowther

For those of you who have been tracking with the Roberta Winter Institute (RWI) over the years, I’d like to provide an update.

Since Ralph Winter passed away in 2009, the RWI has been in the incubation phase in which we as a team have been casting around, thinking, researching, trying various ideas, seeing what fits and what doesn't, etc. Recently we have landed on an implementation concept that is worth an extended experiment to see if it can generate a critical mass of regular readers. This new concept involves disseminating the RWI's ideas through frequent blog entries. In these blog entries we hope to reflect on Winter's writings and speeches on the subjects of disease and evil, and also review what others are saying.

Thanks for tracking with us, and please, visit the blog frequently. You may also like to sign up to receive e-mail notifications of new blog entries or subscribe to our RSS feed.

Posted on March 20, 2012 and filed under First 30.